Tuesday, February 19, 2008

World's Longest stinkin survey

[size=2][b] The I'm Trying To Make The World's Longest Survey Survey [/b][/size]

[b]Male Or Female:[/b]
[b]Full Name::[/b]Angela
[b]Named After Anyone::[/b]Nope
[b]Worst Nickname So Far::[/b]Angie
[b]Mispellings or Misayings Of Your Name You HATE::[/b]None
[b]Age You Act::[/b]Depends..
[b]Job, if so What::[/b]McDonalds
[b]Hair Color::[/b]Brown
[b]Hair Style::[/b]Medium length
[b]Eye Color::[/b]Brown
[b]Strong or No::[/b]Sorta
[b]Still got your tonsils::[/b]Yep
[b]Glasses, Contacts, or Neither::[/b]Reading glasses
[b]Sexual Orientation (Straight, Bi, Gay, Lesbian)::[/b]Straight
[b]Prep, Goth, Emo, Jock, WHAT?::[/b]I don't know
[b]Popular or No?:[/b]No
[b]Think You're Pretty/Handsome::[/b]I don't know...
[b]Talkitive or Shy::[/b]Depends...
[b]Pesismistic or Optimistic::[/b]Optimistic
[b]Male or Female (cuz i might of messed up earlier, label actually is YOU.::[/b]Female

[b]Favorite Color::[/b]Orange
[b]Favorite Animal::[/b]Um...Cheetah?
[b]Favorite Food::[/b]Eggplant Parm
[b]Fav Dessert::[/b]Chocolate anything
[b]Fav Passtime::[/b]Eating
[b]Fav place to go::[/b]I don't know..
[b]Fav Music::[/b]SWITCHFOOOOT

[b]College or Wide Ruled Paper::[/b]College
[b]Pepsi, Coke, or Dr.Pepper::[/b]Dr. Pepper all the way
[b]Sprite, 7-UP, or Sierra Mist::[/b]Sierra Mist
[b]Gatorade or Water::[/b]Water
[b]Choclate or Vanilla::[/b]Chocolate
[b]Friends or Family::[/b]Family
[b]Friends or Fame::[/b]Friends
[b]Money or Love::[/b]Love
[b]Rain or Sunshine::[/b]Sunshine
[b]Day or Night::[/b]Day
[b]Scary Movies or Disneyish Movies::[/b]Disneyish lol
[b]Action or Comedy::[/b]Both
[b]Commentary or None::[/b]None
[b]Subtitles or None::[/b]None
[b]Snezzing or Hiccups::[/b]Hiccups
[b]Summer or Winter::[/b]Summer
[b]Spring or Fall::[/b]Fall
[b]Black or White::[/b]Black
[b]Blue or Pink::[/b]Blue
[b]Pen or Pencil::[/b]Pen
[b]Coffee or Hot Cocoa::[/b]Hot Cocoa
[b]Reading or Telling Stories::[/b]Reading
[b]Writing or Typing::[/b]Typing
[b]Happy or Sad::[/b]Happy
[b]Angry or Scared::[/b]Scared
[b]One Night Stand or Relationships::[/b]Relationships
[b]Cat or Dog::[/b]Dog
[b]Ford, Chevy or Dodge::[/b]Ford
[b]Crayons, Markers or Colored Pencils::[/b]Markers
[b]Math or English::[/b]English
[b]Sing in the Shower::[/b]Yes
[b]Talk to yourself::[/b]Not often..

[b]cuss word you said::[/b]I don't cuss
[b]time you drank::[/b]This morning
[b]time you ate::[/b]This morning
[b]time you smoked::[/b]Never
[b]time you got high::[/b]Never
[b]time you cried::[/b]I don't remember
[b]time you dated::[/b]Never
[b]time you hugged someone::[/b]I don't remember lol
[b]said i love you::[/b]Last night
[b]said i hate you::[/b]I don't remember
[b]been in a fight::[/b]Last night
[b]taken a survey::[/b]Urm....
[b]talked on the phone::[/b]I don't know...
[b]listened to music::[/b]Last night
[b]looked in the mirror::[/b]This morning
[b]put on makeup or cologne::[/b]Sunday
[b]Put on fancy clothes::[/b]Sunday
[b]gotton blisters::[/b]summer
[b]Gotton hiccups::[/b]I don't know...
[b]sneezed::[/b]I don't know....
[b]piece of candy::[/b]Last night...
[b]cookie::[/b]A few nights ago...

[b]ate::[/b]Um, you kinda have to to stay alive...
[b]got high::[/b]No
[b]listened to classical music::[/b]Ugh sadly...
[b]listened to old country music::[/b]Yep sadly
[b]listened to rap::[/b]Ugh yes...
[b]talked to someone (including yourself)::[/b]Um yes
[b]had a stuffed animal::[/b]Yes
[b]taken any OTHER surveys::[/b]Yes
[b]been in a costume::[/b]Yes
[b]been to a party::[/b]Yes
[b]thrown a fit::[/b]Yes
[b]killed something::[/b]No
[b]answered so many questions::[/b]No

[b]More Randomness[/b]
[b]can you draw::[/b]Not well
[b]do you have a calender::[/b]Yes
[b]do you have stuffed animals::[/b]Yes
[b]hate school::[/b]Yes
[b]parents, divorced, together WHAT::[/b]Together
[b]ever worn a pirate hat::[/b]Yes
[b]got an iPod::[/b]Yes
[b]seen a ghost::[/b]No
[b]been to a concert::[/b]YESS
[b]stayed up real late::[/b]Yes
[b]can u roll your tongue::[/b]No
[b]can u whistle::[/b]Not well
[b]can u whistle dixie while eating saltine crakers::[/b]HAHA no
[b]do you even know what dixie is::[/b]Nope lol
[b]last time you listened to a cd::[/b]It was Winter EP and it was like last week.
[b]last time you listened to your parents::[/b]This morning
[b]last time you did your homework::[/b]I'm homeschooled
[b]got a watch::[/b]For work, yes
[b]wear jewerly:[/b]Sometimes
[b]last book you read::[/b]The Complex Infrastructure Known as The Female Mind
[b]favorite candy::[/b]Dark Chocolate
[b]favorite restaurant::[/b]Olive Garden
[b]any pets::[/b]Poochie

[b]weirdest::[/b]Lydia lol
[b]loudest::[/b]Lydia also
[b]Wierdest::[/b]Hey, I already answered this!
[b]worst speller::[/b]Becka
[b]protector::[/b]I don't know
[b]lover::[/b]I don't know
[b]Fighter::[/b]I don't know

[b]lover or fighter::[/b]Lover
[b]george bush::[/b]Is good.
[b]hilary clinton::[/b]SUCKS
[b]barack obama::[/b]SUCKS TIMES A MILLION
[b]john mcain::[/b]Is okay.
[b]been out of state::[/b]Yes
[b]been out of the country::[/b]No
[b]been out of the conteinent::[/b]No
[b]been out of this world::[/b]And how would I do that?
[b]seen aliens::[/b]NO!
[b]A place you would like to go to but never been::[/b]Australia or Italy
[b]pet a goat::[/b]Yes
[b]milked a cow::[/b]No
[b]sheared a sheep::[/b]No
[b]feed a calf::[/b]Yes
[b]watched a movie::[/b]Yes
[b]what movie::[/b]A ton
[b]got any piercings::[/b]Yes
[b]got any tatoos::[/b]No
[b]rented a movie::[/b]Yes
[b]what movie::[/b]Several
[b]fav words::[/b]Das or Googooplex
[b]fav phrase::[/b]Sorry I'm awesome
[b]1st thing u say when you wake up::[/b]Ugh
[b]write in internet talk::[/b]No
[b]write real sloppy::[/b]No
[b]like your writing::[/b]I guess
[b]like wireless stuff::[/b]Yes
[b]like internet::[/b]Yes
[b]like clothes::[/b]Yes
[b]like air conditioning::[/b]Yes
[b]know what the top ten things needed to live are::[/b]Yes
[b]know alot more than i do::[/b]Yes
[b]hate long surveys::[/b]Yes
[b]fingers getting tired::[/b]CHYESS!!!!!!
[b]wanna be stalked::[/b]No
[b]wanna have kids::[/b]Um sure.
[b]wanna get married::[/b]Yes
[b]yo momma::[/b]WHA?
[b]like politics::[/b]Yeah sure.
[b]like old people::[/b]Okay sure.
[b]like clowns::[/b]No, they're scary.
[b]worst fear::[/b]Rollercoasters
[b]addictions::[/b]Internet, music
[b]crunchy or creamy peanut butter::[/b]Creamy
[b]shower or bath::[/b]Shower
[b]bubble bath or no::[/b]No
[b]teachers or parents::[/b]Parents
[b]ever made a survey::[/b]No
[b]repeated yourself::[/b]Yes
[b]overused phrases::[/b]Oh my gravity
[b]overused words::[/b]Das, dude, wow
[b]overused wordy durds (dirty words)::[/b]Crap
[b]used the phrase whatahuh::[/b]no
[b]gotton confused::[/b]Who hasn't?
[b]you dislike like not liking disliking me::[/b]Whata?
[b]ever tp'd someones place::[/b]No
[b]egged someones place::[/b]No
[b]gotton arrested::[/b]No
[b]ran over a squirrel::[/b]No
[b]eaten a squirrel::[/b]LOL NO
[b]what u think about hunting::[/b]Sure w/e
[b]geting bored::[/b]Yes
[b]know who the wright brothers are::[/b]Yes
[b]know what year they flew::[/b]No
[b]can play an instrument::[/b]Yes
[b]collect anything::[/b]Sorta
[b]room a mess::[/b]Yes
[b]how many floors in your house::[/b]One
[b]who you live with::[/b]My family
[b]perfect bedroom::[/b]I don't know
[b]would want to be immortal::[/b]No
[b]vampire or werewolf::[/b]Neither
[b]Rock or rap::[/b]Rock
[b]country or classical::[/b]Neither *pukes*
[b]know how to cook::[/b]Sorta
[b]know how to forage someones signature (not your own)::[/b]Sorta
[b]eharmony or match.com::[/b]Neither
[b]yahoo or msn::[/b]I don't know
[b]verizon or brighthouse::[/b]Verizon
[b]speakers or headphones::[/b]Speakers
[b]ipod or mp3::[/b]iPod
[b]know another launguage::[/b]No
[b]know how to play a card game::[/b]Yes
[b]know at least one card trick::[/b]No
[b]know at least one non-dirty joke::[/b]Yes
[b]gone swimming::[/b]Yes
[b]skinny dipping::[/b]NO
[b]been in a car::[/b]Yes
[b]been in a bus::[/b]Yes
[b]gone to an amusement park::[/b]Yes
[b]cotton candy or popcorn::[/b]Popcorn
[b]florida or california::[/b]California
[b]sunshine or snow::[/b]Sunshine
[b]looked at the stars::[/b]Yes
[b]wished on a star::[/b]Used to
[b]seen a shooting star::[/b]Yes
[b]wished on a shooting star::[/b]No
[b]wished on birthday candles::[/b]Yes
[b]glad i'm out of questions::[/b]HECK YES
[b]find another way to say goodbye::[/b]Bye, stay classy!

[url=http://www.bzoink.com/S141391/The_I'm_Trying_To_Make_The_World's_Longest_Survey_Survey.html]Take this survey[/url] | [url=http://www.bzoink.com/surveys]Find more surveys[/url]
[url=http://www.bzoink.com]Bzoink[/url] - The Original Survey Site

1 comment:

~Lauraborialice said...

I didn't acually read this all, but yes, we should sing really loud to a switchfoot song!! That would be awesome and we could bug Becka!! :-P haha anyway.. Are you guys going to stop by friday program before it starts?? jw.. cause my siblings are coming because they don't have school.. :-P