Wednesday, February 13, 2008

LETS GETT to the point, let's get to this condition...

Gosh I love The Fold. The Fold like the band. *sigh* Google it if you don't know who they are.

So okay I'll tell you the amazing thing that happened yesterday. A long time ago I made this video on Youtube with two of my friends called "Really Bad Karaoke." Needless to say, I wasn't expecting all the mean comments I got saying, "You can't sing." or "Wow you should become a singer....NOT!" or "You suck." etc. So I decided to make a response to it proving I really could sing. I sang the chorus of New Skeptic by The Fold and YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENED!

The flippin Fold left a comment on my video! From their official Youtube page! The comment said the word, "YES!" That's all it said. I'm asuming that means they liked it I suppose. Either way it made me happy.

Here's a screenshot of it:

Here's a link to the actual video:
So that was my uber awesome moment yesterday, which happened shortly after I pre-ordered Hawk Nelson's CD/DVD thingy from Family.
Cheese, Ang

1 comment:

~Lauraborialice said...

ok, but just so you know, I wasn't gonna go either.. But then my dad wouldn't let me go to Ohio for my great-grandmother's funeral.. So yeah, Get back to me as soon as you can...